Category: Holidays

I finally got a fisheye lens!! I’ve been wanting one for as long as I’ve known they existed (about 10 years). It got here last Tuesday, so I tried it out over Thanksgiving break. Here are a few to start with.

The dinner table at Darek’s parents’ house:

Palo Duro Canyon in Canyon, Texas (about 25 miles south of Amarillo):

Everybody looking at the canyon:


Hiking the “riverside” trail….but where was the river?

We found the river!

After the hike:

More to come!


July 25th, 2006

Another picture taken during the same Thanksgiving break for the
same class assignment. Our Connecticut house. Birthday balloons
in the background. My uncle, grandpa, a family friend, and my dad
singing one of the old hymns from the songbook. I had no idea it
would turn out to be one of my favorite pictures.

thanksgiving 1998

July 24th, 2006

I took this picture during my sophomore year of college for a photography class. I decided to document “My Family.” This photo was always a little bit extra special because it was one of the last pictures taken of my grandpa before his first stroke.