
August 8th, 2006

I’m like the average person: I see enough horrible pictures to be desensitized to a large extent. But today I came across one that made me feel absolutely sick. It was a photo of body bags of victims of the current Israel/Lebanon thing, and they were see-through bags, and the one in the middle contained a little boy wearing a spiderman shirt. I don’t know why this one affected me more than others, but I had to shut my eyes and I felt like throwing up.

It just makes me sick. It’s not political. It’s about human lives, humanity, decency.

So many people support wars, fighting, “defending” whatever seems important, when they are not the ones involved. Not just this war. The other war. All of the other wars. Really, they’re all the same, just with different innocent people dead.

What if it was our children in bags, our children lying dead in the streets, our families torn apart by bombs? Would it be different? Would there be such an outpouring of blind support?

Or would more people want it to end?

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