I’ve tried this before in a vague sort of “I’ll take a picture every day if I get around to it” sort of way, but I’m going to try to commit for a mere 30 days. It’s my first month without a wedding since last November, and I’m feeling withdrawal, even though I have 3 portrait sessions scheduled for my 3 non-Thanksgiving weekends.

Yesterday’s picture is nothing special; we spent all afternoon & evening prepping for our potential client meeting (which went well!!) so I didn’t have much time or energy left. Just Cashew sitting on the fence:

For today’s picture I decided to practice some ring shots. We’ve started doing these for weddings and they’re a lot more difficult than you might expect. So I asked Darek for his ring, and though he was suspicious and hesitant at first, I got it. I couldn’t pick my favorite so I have 2 today:

Whew. Days 1 & 2 completed.

Also – if you think this is a good idea, feel free to throw some encouragement my way; I could always use motivation, since I have very little on my own. : D

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